1. حروف الجرّ: It is placed to attain the result of an فعل and what resembles it or an implied فعل to what follows it. There are 19:
1. مِن: It is used:
للابتداء الغاية: to indicate the start towards an objective or end: سِرتُ من البصرة إلى الكوفة
للتبيين: for clarification where it may be replaced by الذي: TODO
للتبعيض: indicating a portion of piece of something where it may be replaced by بعض: كُلْ من الطعام أو أخذت من الدراهم
زائدة: extra where the meaning is the same when it is left out: ما جاءني من أحد and the Basris claim it is not allowed in موجَب (positive/affirmative) statements, so only for نفي و الاستفهام contrary to what Kufis say.
2. إلى and it indicates the conclusion of the objective or end and something it has the meaning of مع: TODO
3. حتّى: and it is similar to من: نَمتُ البارحة حتّى الصباح and it often has the meaning of مع: قدم الحاجّ حتّى المُشاة and it has to come with an explicit word and not with a ضمير contrary to what المبرّد or some poets have said.
4. في: it is used as a ظرف (preposition): زيد في الدار and sometimes it has the meaning of على: TODO
5. ب and it is for
1. للإلصاق : closeness in reality: به داء or for passing by: مررت بزيد (my walking passed close by the place of Zaid)
2. للاستعانة : for seeking aid: كتبت بالقلم
3. للتعليل أو للسببية for explanation or causality: الحمد لله الذي أنقذه بي من النار
4. للمصاحبة : for companionship: خرج زيد بعشيرته
5. للمقالبة: for exchange: بعتُ هذا بذاك TODO: better example here
6. للتعدية: to make an intransitive verb transitive: ذهبت بزيد
7. للظرفيّة: as a preposition: جلست بالمسجد
8. زائدة : where it comes extra and the meaning is understood by ignoring it in the following cases:
6. الام is used
للاختصاص أو للمِلك : for specifying possession: المال لِزيد أو لَه
للتعليل: ضربته للتأديب
زائدة: TODO
with the meaning of عن where it is used with a قول: TODO
with the meaning of الواو القَسم (for swearing an oath): TODO
7. رُبّ is used for indicating small numbers similar to how كم الخبرية indicates large numbers: ربّ رجل كريم لقِيتُه
it may come with only the male singular ضمير with a تمييز نكرة منصوبة regardless of its number or gender: ربه رجالا
it may come with ما which blocks the effect of ربّ and it enters upon a جملة اسمية أو فعلية: TODO
8. واو رُبّ: TODO
9, 10, 11. حروف القسم which are used for swearing an oath by something followed by or near what is confirmed.
12 عن is used for passing over or through: رميت السهم عن القوسِ إلى الصيد
13. على is used for being over or above something: زيد على السطح
14. الكاف للتشبيه (for resemblance): زيد كعمروٍ and it can also come زائدة or as an اسم itself: TODO
15,16. مُذ و مُنذ which indicate either a starting time in the past: ما رأيته مذ رَجَبَ (I haven't seen him since the month of Rajab) or a time period in the present: ما رأيته مذ شهرنا و منذُ يومنا (I haven't seen him these months or these days)
17,18,19. خلا و عدا و حاشا: they indicate استثناء (exclusion): جاءني القوم خلا زيد و عدا بكرٍ و حاشا عمرو
2. الحروف مشبّهة بالفعل (Particles resembling verbs)
3. حروف العطف (particles that join) and they are 10
1-4: و ف ثمّ حتّى: These are for joining the معطوف عليه with its معطوف in their ruling.
و is for absolute joining: جاءني زيد و عمرو
ف is for a succession without delay: قام زيد فعمرو (Zaid stood up and then Amr)
ثمّ is for a succession with a delay: دخل زيد ثمّ عمرو (Zaid entered and Amr followed shortly after)
حتّى is like ثمّ with the conditions that its معطوف is part of its معطوف عليه and it indicates its:
strengthening: مات الناس حتى الأنبياء (The people died, even the Prophets)
weakening: قدم الحاجّ حتى المشاة (The pilgrim walked even? In the crowd)
5-7: أو إمّا أم: These are for establishing something ambiguous which is one of two things and not any one in particular: مررت برجل أو امرأة
8-10. لا بل لكنْ : These are all used to affirm one of two things.
لا is for TODO
بل is for abandoning the first and affirming the second: جاءني زيد بل عمرو و ما جاءني بكر بل خالد (Zaid and Khalid didn't come)
لكنْ is for rectification and a negation must either come after or before it: ما جاءني زيد لكن عمر جاء و قام بكر لكن خالد لم يقمْ
4. حروف التنبيه (The particles for reminding/alerting) and they are 3:
5. حروف النداء (Particles for calling) and they are 5:
1-2. أَ و أَيْ are for nearby
3-4. أيا و هيا are for far away
5. يا which is for both near and far
6. حروف الإيجاب (The particles of answering) and they are 6:
1. نعم is for confirming what precedes it whether is was a affirmative or negative statement.
2. بلى is to confirm what preceded as a negative question or statement: لم يقمْ زيد و قلت بلى (Zaid did stand).
3. إي is for confirming a questioned and it must be followed by swearing an oath: هل كان كذا فقلت إي والله
4-6. أجل خير إنّ and they are used to confirm having faith in what has been said before.
7. حروف الزائدة (The particles that come extra)
1. إنْ and it is added to ما النافية: ما إن زيد قائم أو ما إن مدحتُ محمدا بمقالتي لكن مدحت مقالتي بمحمد and sometimes to ما المصدرية: انتظر ما إن يجلس الأمير and with لمّا: TODO
2. أنْ and it is added to لمّا for time: TODO and between لو which has an oath that precedes it: والله أن لو قمتَ قمتُ
3. ما and it is added to the conditional particles إذا و متى و أيّ و أنّى و أين و إن such as in: إذا ما صمتَ صمتُ and also after some حروف الجرّ such as ب و ف و عن و من و ك
4. لا and it is added to واو after a negation: ما جاءني زيد و لا عمرو and after ما المصدرية: TODO and after the verb to swear an oath: TODO
5-7. مِن و الباء واللام: see their section under حروف الجرّ
8. حرفا التفسير (The 2 explanatory particles): أي و أن by which you start an explanation of something that precedes it.
9. حروف المصدر
1-2. ما و أنْ these are only used for a جملة فعلية: TODO
3. أنّ is used for a جملة اسمية: علمتُ أنّك قائم with the meaning of قيامك (I knew about your standing)
4-5. كي و لو have been included in this group by some.
10. حروف التحضيض (Particles used for encouragement)
11. حرف التوقّع (The particle of expectation): قد
With a فعل ماضي it indicates
تقريب (nearness in time): قد ركب الأمير (The Ameer was riding just a short while ago) and therefore it is sometimes also called حرف التقريب (particle of nearness)
تأكيد (emphasis) if it is used to confirm a question: هل قام زيد؟ قد قام زيد
With a فعل مضارع it indicates
There may be a قسم between it and its verb: قد والله أحسنتَ
Sometimes the فعل that follows is deleted due to context: TODO
12. حرفا الاستفهام (The 2 interrogative particles)
13. حروف الشرط (Conditional particles) and they enter upon two sentences where either one can be a جملة اسمية أو فعلية
1. إنْ and it is used for the future even it comes with a فعل ماضي: إن زرتني أكرمتك
The verb may also be implied: إن أنت زائري فأنا أكرمتك
It is only used for doubtful matters because for expected things you would use إذا: آتيك إذا طلعت الشمس
If it occurs with a قسم preceding it then the verb must be ماضي either explicitly or implicitly: والله إن أتيتني لأكرمتك أو والله إن لم تأتني لأهجرتك
2. لو is used for the past even it comes with a فعل مضارع: لو تزورني أكرمتك
3. أمّا is used for elaborating what preceded it as a summary: الناس سعيد و شقّي: أما الذين سعدوا ففي الجنّة و أمّا الذين شقوا ففي النار
It must come with the ف in its جواب
The جواب must be caused by what is before it.
The فعل may be deleted as long as is also deleted in the other part: أمّا زيد فمنطلق which means: مهما يكن من شيء فزيد منطلق
14. حرف الردع (The preventative particle): كلّا
It comes to prevent the speaker from: TODO
It can be used as a reply to an أمر: اضرب زيدا و فقلت كلّا which means: لا أفعل هذا قطّ
It can come with the meaning of حقّا (indeed): TODO
It can also come with the meaning of إنّ which emphasizes the whole sentence: TODO
15. تاء التأنيث الساكنة
16. التنوين (Nunnation) It is a نون ساكن that is added to the end of a word but not for emphasis of a فعل and it has 5 types:
Only for an اسم:
1. للتمكّن (For the declinable) and it is also called تنوين الصرف because it indicates that an اسم is منصرف: زيدٌ
2. للتنكير (For indefiniteness) and it indicates that an اسم is نكرة: TODO
3. للعوض (To substitute) and it is used to replace a مضاف إليه المحذوف: حينئذٍ و ساعَتَئِذٍ و يومئذ which means: حين إذ كان كذا etc...
4. للمقابلة (As a comparison) and it is in the جمع مؤنث سالم: مسامات as a counterpart of the ن in the جمع مذكر سالم: مسلمون
For either an اسم أو فعل
17. نون التأكيد (The ن for emphasis)
It is used for the أمر و مضارع when they indicate a request similarly to قد for the فعل ماضي
It has 2 types:
It may also enter upon النهي و الاستفهام و التمنّي و العرض و العرض as all of these contain a request: لا تضربنّ و هل تضربن و ليتك تضربنّ و ألا تنزِلنَّ بنا فتصيب خيرا TODO: some better examples
It can also enter upon the swearing of an oath to emphasise its latter part as the oath itself also contains emphasis: ولله لأفعلنّ كذا
The letter preceding it will usually have a فتحة but can also have a: